Iggy Azalea released a statement after a series of explicit photos from a 2016 GQ photoshoot leaked. The pics popped up online over the weekend, prompting the 28-year-old to shutter her Twitter and Instagram accounts. In a shared comment, she opened up about how she feels in the aftermath. “Today Im a ball of negative emotion,” she wrote. “I feel blindsided, embarrassed, violated, angry, sad, and a million other things. Not solely because I did not consent to this – but also because of the vile way people have reacted.” She also promised to find out who was responsible for the leak to press criminal charges. “It’s important to me that someone actually be held accountable for their actions & the way it impacts my life,” she explained.

In the meantime, the “Started” star explained that she will be leaving her accounts inactive. “Please think of how you might feel if the shoe was yours to wear. I have seen some really vicious shit written in the last 24 hours and It is too much negativity for me to handle. for now it’s best to keep my accounts deactivated.” Nino Muñoz, the photographer responsible for the shoot, has also commented on the situation via an Instagram post. “I’m outraged and saddened to find out that images of mine were stolen and published without my permission,” he wrote. “There is currently an investigation underway.” He also reminded others that posting the photos was illegal and shared a heartfelt message in the comments section.

“My heart goes out to anyone this situation has affected. I’m utterly outraged and will not rest until justice is served.” Read Iggy’s full statement below.

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